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Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math leads to more meaningful and engaging educational experiences that work to help expose students to a variety of real word scenarios. While we offer a traditional middle school curriculum, STEM and the Arts are embedded in everything that we do.

We’re an ABC School (Arts in the Basic Curriculum), catering to students with interests in the visual and performing arts.

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We’re also STEM certified by Cognia and provide Project Lead the Way technology courses, along with our Pre-Med Academy. These programs target students interested in science and engineering, prepare students for the medical field, and provides seamless transitions to high school and college.

Students can choose to participate in a plethora of high-quality academic arts classes including visual art, band, chorus, drama, dance, foreign language, physical education, Project Lead the Way courses, and the Pre-Med Academy. 


Lady’s Island Middle School is dedicated and excited to promote our Robotics program. This award-winning program is looking for students who want to participate in a new challenge and help expand our Robotics program here at Lady’s Island Middle School. Our Robotics program teaches students how to approach real-world problems in an innovative, yet systematic, way. By building and programming robots, students learn how to channel their creativity and use it to create the best possible solution for a problem.