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Student Leadership

There are 2 leadership programs available to students at Lady's Island Middle School. The first is the Lady's Island Jr. Leadership and the second is our Young Leaders of Beaufort.

Student Leadership Advisor - Scott Shipsey

Lady's Island Jr. Leadership

Being selected in the leadership program is a top honor and reserved for 8th grade students here at Lady’s Island Middle School. As school ambassador’s students will fulfill their responsibilities and represent our school with distinction. The Junior Leadership class will plan approximately five trips throughout the school year learning about our community and local issues.

Young Leaders of Beaufort

The Young Leaders of Beaufort program is a way to provide a voice for middle school students in local government in Beaufort. Students are selected from all the public middle school’s north of the broad as well as the charter and private schools. Students enrolled in the program will work with the other members in the leadership program monthly to promote civic pride in our community. The leadership program is overseen by Mayor Keyserling and City Hall.